9:00 pm Jan 25
Headed out at 5:45am tomorrow morning. Open heart surgery will start sometime between 8:00am and 9:00am at Childrens' Hospital Seattle and last 4-5hrs so please be praying throughout the morning for our sweet girl. We are expected to be there a minimum of a week. Feel free to share this request with others. Jesus is holding her heart and we trust Him. Thank you for your prayers and support. We will be updating here and on Facebook throughout the day.
UPDATE 9:30am Jan 26 - They took her into surgery at about 8:15 and they said it would take about 45 minutes to get her all prepped with IVs and anesthesia. They are doing a Tetrology of Fallot repair - VSD, Pulmonary Valve,and Overriding Aorta. Here are a few pictures in her pre-op gown. We prayed with her and gave her kisses and sent her off with the anesthesiologist.
UPDATE 2:00PM Jan 26 - Vivien is out of surgery! We just spoke with the surgeon and he said that everything went well. They were able to close the VSD and repair the pulmonary valve. He used more technical terms that Todd can elaborate on later but he was pleased with how well everything went. THANK YOU for all your prayers. It was overwhelming to see the hundreds of messages and shares on FB, many from people that we don't even know. Thank you for loving us and Vivien through this. We ask that you continue to pray that she will start to show signs that she is able to breathe well on her own. She was on a heart / lung machine during the surgery. She is off now, but is still sedated and intubated and the goal is for her to wake up and be able to breathe on her own in the next 1 to 3 days. We have not seen her yet, but we've been told to expect lots of tubes and wires. PRAISE JESUS with us that surgery went well and continue to pray that her extubation (breathing on her own) will go well because that is the next critical step. We are so grateful for what Jesus has done and expectant for what He will do. 2 Chr 20:5 (MSG) When the worst happens... and we take our place before this temple, (we know You are personally present in this place!) and pray out our pain and trouble, we know that You will listen and give victory. 2 Chr 15:15 (MSG) Anticipating the best, they had sought God - and He showed up, ready to be found!
UPDATE 8:30PM Jan 26 - Vivien is amazing everyone. We got to come see Vivien soon after the last update. The anesthesiologist said that she was doing well but that she would most likely be extubated by tomorrow morning at the earliest, possibly a day or two later depending on how she was doing. Because of her prognosis, they wanted to err on the side of caution and not remove it too soon. However, as the afternoon progressed, it became evident that Vivien was doing amazingly well. She started trying to take some breaths on her own early on and was moving and more alert than they suspected. She even had a small bowel movement. The nurses and doctors have been talking about how remarkable she is doing and how well she looks. She has been breathing on her own quite a bit, and although she has some other pain meds, they have completely turned off the morphine for a short time to see if she does well and are talking about possible extubation actually tonight. We shall see. In the meantime we have been telling the medical team here about all of the people who are praying for her. There is a reason that she is doing so well and we are so grateful to God and to all of you who are praying. We will check in with you tomorrow but in the meantime we are praising Jesus for her doing so well!
Todd & Molly--many of the elders of Highlands are lifting you and Vivien up to the Lord; I've already seen some electronic chatter this morning.
Thank you Jesus!!!
So thankful surgery went well. Am praying here in TN and know others around the country are too. God will give Vivien a stronger heart. And he will give her mommy and daddy some strength also.
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