Once again, I am remiss in updating this blog. I can’t believe that it’s been three months since I last posted. A lot can happen in three months and the world has pretty much turned upside down and nothing is the same thanks to covid-19, the coronavirus.

We didn’t know how close we got to not having his surgery for months, as shortly after that, elective surgeries were canceled due to the coronavirus. In retrospect we look back with gratefulness for this.
We were also getting close to having Joseph start school. We received a loaner wheelchair and with the g-tube surgery, everything was in place and the school was just finishing up his evaluations and getting ready to do his IEP (individualized educational plan). School was not to be, as you know and Vivien came home from school as well. We were especially disappointed for Joseph. We knew that there are so many things he was going to learn communication-wise, as well as therapies that he would be able to get daily, special equipment that he could use, and all the benefits that come with school. Both Joseph and Vivien continued on with their private therapy for a while until even that was closed.
Thankfully, we were able to do some things with him at home. One thing that has been especially fun for him is a sling that we have for Vivien that hangs from the ceiling and allows him to bear weight on his feet and have some sort of control over looking around and turning. It also strengthens his head as he has to hold it up while he is in it. The first time we went in it, he went completely crazy with joy and we put on some music and he danced around like a little marionette. He was thrilled. We have also played with a ball, kicking it back and forth to him as well and he loved that, most likely having seen soccer in Africa.
Vivien is doing well and though we all had bad colds in March, everyone has stayed well and healthy. Her caregiver, Rhiana has continued to come a few times a week even throughout this time and she is so wonderful with her. The kids have taken to a new form of entertainment by taking Vivien and hiding her when I leave the room for a minute. When I come back in she's not where I left her. I have found her in the bathtub (on blankets of course) and even in the laundry basket, which Viv actually thought was pretty funny. Our quarantine craziness has reached new levels.
However, I personally feel like God has worked in our lives in a rather amazing way. As I wrote before, our first couple months with Joseph were incredibly difficult, both because of my struggle with insomnia as well as the difficulty of just caring for his day to day needs, combined with all of the other necessary things that happen in a day to make our now 8 person family run. As I wrote before, I kind of felt like I was drowning for a while and life felt very dark. As I began to sleep better, I felt more hope and a little more positive. Even Joseph getting his NG tube and now his g-tube has been a huge help in the time it takes to care for him during the day.
A couple of things happened though that I felt like were so clearly God’s working in our lives. The first had to do with covid-19. I had been expecting that when Joseph started school, it would be both wonderful for him, and it would also free up some time for Todd and and I would feel a little less overwhelmed than I was feeling.
In early March, I remember thinking about the season in our life right after Iva was born in 2012. We were enjoying her and our life was busy but not overwhelming. It was just a good season. Shortly after that we became pregnant with Vivien, which involved so much drama. After things sort of settled down with her we felt the call to adopt and there has been more drama in our life. I’m a girl who likes a little drama. I don’t like it boring. But as I was thinking about that season with Iva, I remember someone asking me for prayer requests at that time, and responding something to the effect of, “I’ll have to think about it. Things are going pretty well right now.” As I thought about that in mid-March of this year, I breathed a tearful and pleading prayer to God. I asked Him to allow the next season of our life to be boring. Just for a little while. “Lord, could you make it boring?” I felt so incredibly exhausted and done with drama.
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Home Movie Watching |
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Vivien, Joseph and Iva "practicing " standing.... |
In addition to this we are really getting to know Joseph and his needs and quirks, his attitudes and his capabilities, his personality and what makes him happy and sad in a way that probably would not have happened if he had immediately gone to school. We can see God’s hand in this also. We are working with a rehab doctor getting him off the medicine he was on as well and that has been a challenge. It is good to be able to do it at home and recognize his habits and how he responds.
Vivien is doing well at home although she is fairly happy anywhere. We are thankful that her caregiver Rihana is still able to come during this time. She is wonderful with Vivien and even though she is not responsible for Joseph, he loves her too.
Onee prayer request we have is about a waiver that we are trying to get for Joseph. Vivien has a wonderful caregiver who comes a few times a week paid for by Medicaid. We've applied for Joseph as well and been approved as eligible for DDA and can now apply for the waiver. There is a limited amount of waivers the state gets and we will be applying for one as soon as we are given a case manager. There are lots of applications and not everyone gets one. It could take up to 4 months from when we apply to hear back as well. Can you pray with us that we would be able to get the waiver for Joseph to have some in-home care and that it would be expedient? When we needed equipment for Viv when she was born, so many of you prayed and we felt like God did a miracle with insurance and her pulse oximeter. We are asking Him for favor for this waiver as well. We should have an interview about it in the next few weeks.
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Celebrating Passover with Grandma Online |
Happy spring to you and yours and thanks for reading!