by Todd
Very few can understand the heart of a mother whose child is ill. Many less can know what it means to have a daughter possessed by an evil spirit. Every shriek and cry brought a searing pain to the heart of this poor woman. This child had become known among the people as “the possessed girl” and mothers warned their children to not join her in game or take part in any activity with her. For a daughter such as she, only her mother displayed a heart of healing, hope and love. Each hesitant wag of the priest’s head only cemented her desperate plight for her daughter’s freedom. Then, she heard about the One they called “Jesus”. “Could He be the Messiah?” they would ask. Hearing of His works, seeing those who were healed gave her new hope for her beloved daughter. With an anxious heart and visions of a daughter set free, she stumbled toward Him as the crowd went by.
Great pain brings heroic acts for relief. Throwing herself at the feet of the Messiah, she begged for freedom from bondage for her little girl. Waiting in expectation, she heard nothing from Him. Again she cried to Him, but He did not answer. At last, His disciples, embarrassed by the attention and full-headed from belonging to such a sought-after One, advised Him to send her away. Finally the silence was broken by His reply “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel”. Many had slighted her for her nationality, though she didn’t expect to hear this from Christ. Still, her faith knew no limits. A second time, she pleaded with Him “Lord, help me!”. His response seemed to shut the door all the harder in her face “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs”. Christ created a test whereby many would have left in disappointment and frustration. But not this mother.
Some are willing to ask, few are willing to beg, and only the desperate can find the composure to grovel. When the door had been slammed tight and the window shut, she saw a glimmer of hope in the smallest of cracks. Moved by deep love for her daughter, knowing no limit to her own dignity, having the hope to see beyond reality, she found the path whereby freedom would come. In desperateness, she buried her face in His feet and cried out the words “Yes Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Her reply silenced some and brought snickers of laughter from others. How low was this woman willing to go? Didn’t she hear Him the first time? Like a salve to the most painful of wounds, she heard the words “Woman you have great faith! Your request is granted.” Flooded by the emotions of relief, sorrow, gratitude and excitement, she turned her head upward, looking into His own tear-stained face. For many have come to Him, asking for healing or wisdom, but few are willing to display complete humility before Him. Few are willing to be as dogs before their Master.
“He has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners…to comfort all who mourn…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” Isaiah 61